Artillery Punch
Artillery Punch is a vibrant and refreshing cocktail that combines a medley of spirits, including rum, gin, and brandy, with fresh citrus juices and a hint of sweetness. Traditionally served in a large bowl, this punch is perfect for gatherings, offering a delightful balance of flavors that invigorates the palate. Garnished with seasonal fruits and herbs, it’s a festive drink that embodies the spirit of celebration.
Punch bowl
2 minutes
Serve chilled
- Tea1 quart black
- Rye whiskey1 quart
- Red wine1 fifth
- Rum1 pint Jamaican
- Brandy1/2 pint
- Benedictine1 1/2 oz
- Orange juice1 pint
- Lemon juice1/2 pint
Combine all the ingredients in a large punch bowl with a block of ice. If found too dry, sugar syrup may be added. Decorate with twists of lemon peel.
Flavor Profile
Perfect For
holiday gatheringsoutdoor picnicsfestive celebrations
celebrationsummer partyoutdoor gathering