Bible Belt

Bible Belt

The Bible Belt is a refreshing cocktail that combines the warmth of bourbon with the tangy sweetness of peach liqueur and a hint of citrus. Often garnished with a twist of lemon, this drink embodies a Southern charm, making it perfect for warm evenings or festive gatherings. Its smooth, balanced flavors invite you to sip and savor the spirit of the South.

Highball glass
2 minutes
Serve chilled


  • Southern Comfort
    Southern Comfort2 oz
  • Triple sec
    Triple sec1/2 oz
  • Lime
    Lime2 wedges
  • Sour mix
    Sour mix2 oz


Mix all ingredients, and pour over ice.

Flavor Profile


Perfect For

brunch gatheringscasual get-togethersoutdoor barbecues


barbecuesummer partycasual gathering