Brandy Cobbler
The Brandy Cobbler is a refreshing cocktail that combines the rich, smooth flavors of brandy with the sweetness of fresh seasonal fruits, typically served over crushed ice. Garnished with a sprig of mint and sometimes a splash of soda, this delightful drink is perfect for sipping on a warm day, offering a balance of sweetness and acidity that tantalizes the palate.
Old-fashioned glass
2 minutes
Serve chilled
- Sugar1 tsp superfine
- Club soda3 oz
- Lemon1
- Brandy2 oz
- Maraschino cherry1
- Orange1
In an old-fashioned glass, dissolve the sugar in the club soda. Add crushed ice until the glass is almost full. Add the brandy. Stir well. Garnish with the cherry and the orange and lemon slices.
Flavor Profile
Perfect For
brunch gatheringsholiday celebrationscasual get-togethers
brunchsummer picnicgarden party