Gin Basil Smash
The Gin Basil Smash is a refreshing cocktail that combines the herbal notes of fresh basil with the crispness of gin. Typically muddled with lemon juice and simple syrup, this vibrant drink offers a perfect balance of sweetness and acidity, making it an invigorating choice for warm weather. Served over ice, it's a delightful fusion of flavors that highlights the aromatic qualities of basil.
Highball glass
2 minutes
Serve chilled
- Gin6 cl
- Lemon Juice2 cl
- Sugar Syrup2 cl
- BasilWhole
Muddle Basil leaves (~ 10) with Suggar Syrup in a shaker. Add Gin an Lemon Juice. Filter and serve in a tumbler with ice
Flavor Profile
herbalcitrusyrefreshingslightly bitter
Perfect For
garden partiesbrunch gatheringsoutdoor barbecues
summergarden partybrunch