Gin Cooler
The Gin Cooler is a refreshing cocktail that combines smooth gin with zesty citrus flavors and a splash of tonic water, making it the perfect drink for warm weather. Garnished with fresh herbs and slices of cucumber or lime, this invigorating concoction is both light and revitalizing, ideal for sipping on a sunny afternoon. Enjoy the crisp, herbal notes as they dance on your palate, providing a delightful escape.
Collins glass
2 minutes
Serve chilled
- Gin2 oz
- Carbonated water
- Powdered sugar
- Orange spiral
- Lemon peel
Stir powdered sugar and 2 oz. carbonated water in a collins glass. Fill glass with ice and add gin. Fill with carbonated water and stir. Add the lemon peel and the orange spiral so that the end of the orange spiral dangles over rim of glass.
Flavor Profile
Perfect For
garden partiesbrunch gatheringsoutdoor picnics
summergarden partybrunch