Gin Daisy
The Gin Daisy is a refreshing cocktail that combines the botanical notes of gin with the bright acidity of fresh lemon juice and a touch of sweetness from orange liqueur. Typically served over ice and garnished with a citrus twist, this vibrant drink offers a delightful balance of flavors, making it a perfect choice for warm weather gatherings or a relaxing evening. Its lively character is sure to please gin enthusiasts and casual drinkers alike.
Old-fashioned glass
2 minutes
Serve chilled
- Gin2 oz
- Lemon juice1 oz
- Sugar1/2 tsp superfine
- Grenadine1/2 tsp
- Maraschino cherry1
- Orange1
In a shaker half-filled with ice cubes, combine the gin, lemon juice, sugar, and grenadine. Shake well. Pour into an old-fashioned glass and garnish with the cherry and the orange slice.
Flavor Profile
Perfect For
garden gatheringsbrunchescocktail parties
brunchgarden partysummer picnic