Gin Fizz
The Gin Fizz is a refreshing cocktail that combines gin, fresh lemon juice, sugar, and soda water, creating a light and effervescent drink. Served over ice, this classic concoction is known for its bright citrus flavor and bubbly texture, making it a perfect choice for warm weather or festive occasions. Garnished with a lemon slice or twist, the Gin Fizz is both invigorating and timeless.
Highball glass
2 minutes
Serve chilled
- Gin2 oz
- LemonJuice of 1/2
- Powdered sugar1 tsp
- Carbonated water
Shake all ingredients with ice cubes, except soda water. Pour into glass. Top with soda water.
Flavor Profile
Perfect For
brunch gatheringsgarden partiescasual get-togethers
brunchsummer partygarden gathering