Gin Rickey
The Gin Rickey is a refreshing cocktail that combines gin, fresh lime juice, and soda water, served over ice in a highball glass. Its crisp and invigorating flavor makes it a perfect choice for warm weather, while the tartness of the lime balances the botanicals of the gin. This classic drink is a simple yet sophisticated option for any cocktail enthusiast.
Highball glass
2 minutes
Serve chilled
- Gin2 oz
- Grenadine1 tsp
- lemonJuice of 1/2
- Soda WaterTop up with
- LimeGarnish
Half-fill a tall glass with ice. Mix the gin and Grenadine together and pour over the ice. Add the lime or lemon juice and top off with soda water. Decorate the glass with lime and/or lemon slices.
Flavor Profile
Perfect For
garden partiesbrunch gatheringscasual get-togethers
summergarden partybrunch