Gin Sling
The Gin Sling is a refreshing cocktail that combines the botanical notes of gin with the sweetness of cherry brandy and the tartness of fresh citrus juices. Typically garnished with a cherry or a slice of lemon, this vibrant drink offers a delightful balance of flavors, making it a perfect choice for warm evenings or festive gatherings. Enjoy it over ice for a crisp and invigorating experience.
Old-fashioned glass
2 minutes
Serve chilled
- Gin2 oz
- LemonJuice of 1/2
- Powdered sugar1 tsp
- Water1 tsp
- Orange peelTwist of
Dissolve powdered sugar in mixture of water and juice of lemon. Add gin. Pour into an old-fashioned glass over ice cubes and stir. Add the twist of orange peel and serve.
Flavor Profile
refreshingherbalfruityslightly bitter
Perfect For
garden partiesbrunch gatheringscasual get-togethers
summer partygarden gatheringbrunch