Gin Smash
The Gin Smash is a refreshing cocktail that combines the herbal notes of gin with muddled fresh mint, lemon, and simple syrup, creating a vibrant and zesty flavor profile. Served over crushed ice, this invigorating drink is perfect for warm weather and offers a delightful balance of sweetness and tartness. Enjoy it as a revitalizing choice for any occasion!
Old-fashioned glass
2 minutes
Serve chilled
- Gin2 oz
- Carbonated water1 oz
- Sugar1 cube
- Mint4
- Orange1 slice
- Cherry1
Muddle sugar with carbonated water and mint sprigs in an old-fashioned glass. Add gin and 1 ice cube. Stir, add the orange slice and the cherry, and serve.
Flavor Profile
refreshingcitrusyherbalslightly sweet
Perfect For
garden gatheringsbrunch with friendscasual summer barbecues
summergarden partybrunch