Gin Squirt
The Gin Squirt is a refreshing cocktail that combines the crispness of gin with the zesty brightness of citrus. Typically garnished with a slice of lemon or lime, this invigorating drink offers a delightful balance of herbal and tangy flavors, making it a perfect choice for warm weather or a casual gathering. Enjoy it over ice for a revitalizing sip!
Highball glass
2 minutes
Serve chilled
- Gin1 1/2 oz
- Grenadine1 tsp
- Powdered sugar1 tblsp
- Pineapple3 chunks
- Strawberries2
- Carbonated water
Stir gin, grenadine, and powdered sugar with ice and strain into a highball glass over ice cubes. Fill with carbonated water and stir. Decorate with the pineapple chunks and the strawberries and serve.
Flavor Profile
Perfect For
brunch gatheringsoutdoor picnicscasual get-togethers
brunchsummer partygarden gathering