Gin Tonic
The Gin Tonic is a classic cocktail that combines the refreshing botanical notes of gin with the crisp effervescence of tonic water. Typically garnished with a slice of lime or lemon, this drink is perfect for warm weather and offers a delightful balance of flavors that highlight the gin's unique characteristics. Its simplicity and elegance make it a favorite among cocktail enthusiasts.
Highball glass
2 minutes
Serve chilled
- Gin4 cl
- Tonic Water10 cl
- Lemon Peel1 Slice
- Icecubes
Fill a highball glass with ice, pour the gin, top with tonic water and squeeze a lemon wedge and garnish with a lemon wedge.
Flavor Profile
botanicalrefreshingcrispslightly bitter
Perfect For
summer partiescasual gatheringsbarbecues
summergarden partycelebration