Irish Cream
Irish Cream is a rich and velvety liqueur that combines smooth Irish whiskey with fresh cream, cocoa, and a hint of vanilla. This indulgent drink is often enjoyed on its own, over ice, or as a delightful addition to coffee and desserts, offering a sweet and creamy flavor profile that warms the soul. Its luxurious texture and unique blend of flavors make it a favorite for those seeking a touch of Irish hospitality in a glass.
Irish coffee cup
2 minutes
Serve chilled
- Scotch1 cup
- Half-and-half1 1/4 cup
- Condensed milk1 can sweetened
- Coconut syrup3 drops
- Chocolate syrup1 tblsp
Mix scotch and milk. Add half-and-half. Add rest.
Flavor Profile
Perfect For
holiday gatheringscozy eveningsdessert parties
dessertafter dinnercozy gathering