Pink Gin

Pink Gin

Pink Gin is a refreshing cocktail that combines gin with a splash of aromatic bitters, giving it a distinctive pink hue. Traditionally served chilled and garnished with a lemon twist or a cherry, this drink offers a delightful balance of herbal notes and a hint of sweetness, making it a sophisticated choice for gin lovers. Its origins can be traced back to the British Navy, where it was originally used as a remedy for seasickness.

White wine glass
2 minutes
Serve chilled


  • Bitters
    Bitters3 dashes
  • Gin
    Gin2 oz


Pour the bitters into a wine glass. Swirl the glass to coat the inside with the bitters, shake out the excess. Pour the gin into the glass. Do not add ice.

Flavor Profile

dryaromaticslightly bitterrefreshing

Perfect For

cocktail partiesbrunchescelebrations


cocktail partysummer eveningcelebration