Pink Moon
The Pink Moon is a delightful cocktail that combines the refreshing flavors of gin, elderflower liqueur, and fresh lemon juice, creating a vibrant and floral taste profile. Its striking pink hue, often enhanced with a splash of cranberry juice, makes it as visually appealing as it is delicious. Perfect for spring and summer gatherings, this drink embodies a sense of whimsy and celebration.
Whiskey Glass
2 minutes
Serve chilled
- Gin1 shot
- Coconut Liqueur1 shot
- Elderflower cordial25 ml
- Lime Juice30 ml
- BlackberriesGarnish with
Slowly shake in a shaker with ice, strain into a square whiskey glass. Top with fresh ice. Add the blackberries to garnish. Add flowers and a green leaf for a special look!
Flavor Profile
Perfect For
garden gatheringsromantic dinnersspring celebrations
sunsetgarden partyspring celebration