Pink Penocha

Pink Penocha

The Pink Penocha is a vibrant and playful cocktail that combines the sweetness of ripe strawberries with the tangy kick of fresh lime juice. This refreshing drink is beautifully garnished with a sprig of mint, making it the perfect choice for summer gatherings or a fun night out. Its delightful pink hue and fruity flavor profile are sure to tantalize your taste buds and elevate any occasion.

Punch bowl
2 minutes
Serve chilled


  • Everclear
    Everclear750 ml
  • Vodka
    Vodka1750 ml
  • Peach schnapps
    Peach schnapps1750 ml
  • Orange juice
    Orange juice1 gal
  • Cranberry juice
    Cranberry juice1 gal


mix all ingredients into bowl keep iced stir frequently

Flavor Profile


Perfect For

bridal showersbachelorette partiesoutdoor picnics


summer partygirls' nightbrunch