Ramos Gin Fizz
The Ramos Gin Fizz is a classic cocktail that combines gin, fresh lemon and lime juice, cream, sugar, and orange flower water, resulting in a creamy, frothy texture. Shaken vigorously for an extended period, it delivers a refreshing and aromatic experience, making it a perfect choice for a sophisticated brunch or a warm summer evening. Its unique blend of flavors and silky consistency make it a timeless favorite among cocktail enthusiasts.
- Gin4.5 cL
- Lemon Juice3 cl
- Sugar Syrup3 cl
- Cream6 cl
- Egg White1
- Vanilla extract2 drop
- Soda Water2 cl
Prepare all the ingredients on the counter to be able to work well and quickly, especially the cream and egg white. Pour all the ingredients into a shaker. Shake vigorously for 1 minute: cream and egg white must be mixed perfectly, so don't rush. Now open the shaker and put some ice and shake for 1-2 minutes. It depends on how long you can resist! Pour into a highball glass, add a splash of soda and garnish to taste. Ramos Gin Fizz was once drunk as an invigorating drink or even as a breakfast, try it as an aperitif and after dinner and you will discover a little gem now lost.