Rosemary Blue

Rosemary Blue

The Rosemary Blue is a refreshing cocktail that beautifully blends the herbal notes of fresh rosemary with the vibrant flavors of blueberries and a splash of citrus. This enchanting drink is typically crafted with gin or vodka, offering a delightful balance of sweetness and earthiness, making it a perfect choice for warm evenings or sophisticated gatherings. Garnished with a sprig of rosemary and a few blueberries, it’s as visually appealing as it is delicious.

Balloon Glass
2 minutes
Serve chilled


  • Gin
    Gin50 ml
  • Blue Curacao
    Blue Curacao15 ml
  • Tonic Water
    Tonic Water100 ml
  • Rosemary
    RosemaryGarnish with


1) Add the Bombay Sapphire, Blue Curacao, rosemary sprig and gently squeezed lemon wedge to a balloon glass. Swirl well to combine. 2) Fill with cubed ice and top with the Fever-Tree Light Tonic Water. 3) Gently fold with a bar spoon to mix.

Flavor Profile


Perfect For

garden gatheringscocktail partiesbrunch events


garden partybrunchsummer evening