The Philosopher
The Philosopher is a thought-provoking cocktail that blends the complexities of life in a glass, featuring a harmonious mix of gin, elderflower liqueur, fresh lemon juice, and a hint of herbal bitters. Garnished with a sprig of rosemary, this refreshing drink invites contemplation and conversation, making it the perfect companion for deep discussions or a quiet evening of introspection. Sip slowly and ponder the mysteries of existence with each delightful taste.
Margarita glass
2 minutes
Serve chilled
- Gin1 shot
- Melon Liqueur1 shot
- Orange Bitters1 dash
- Lemon Juice1 dash
- ProseccoTop
Add all the spirits in a shaker (best to use Hendricks gin) as well as the orange bitters and lemon juice. Strain into a Margarita glass, top with Prosecco.
Flavor Profile
Perfect For
book club meetingsdinner partiesphilosophical discussions
intellectual conversationbook clubart gallery